Attention 2025 Yelm High School and Yelm Extension School Graduates & Parents
All applicants must submit a completed profile in order to be considered for scholarships. Students will be notified of all scholarships for which they may qualify after successfully completing and submitting a profile. Follow directions carefully from start to finish in order to apply for and accept a scholarship. Read all emails sent by Mrs. Mathis in the Career Center regarding Dollars for Scholars as they will contain updates and instructions during the application period.
Homeschooled students who live within the boundaries of the Yelm School District and are registered with the district are also eligible to apply for a Yelm Dollars for Scholars Scholarship.
The application can be started at any time but is open for submission only from February 1st-28th
Student Instructions Click Here
Parent Instructions Click Here
**Though a student may provide information to qualify for scholarships offered through Scholarship America, not all sections of the profile are required for a Yelm Dollars for Scholars scholarship.
Information our Chapter does NOT require:
Test scores: SAT/ACT Not Required for YDFS
Parent financial information: Yelm Dollars for Scholars offers only merit based scholarships. If provided, our scholarship evaluators will only see the Expected Family Contribution. Our chapter can NOT see detailed information. If you are using Scholarship America, YDFS's parent organization, to apply for need-based scholarships, financial information may be required.
References: NOT NEEDED FOR THE DFS SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION. However, if a student will apply for scholarships on the Scholarship America website, they can use a reference if needed.
Failure to complete any required part of the scholarship process and/or application process as outlined above will result in disqualification.
Required items:
- A Transcript IS required. Please note you must click on the Transcript Request button when filling out your profile and enter Phone number: 360-458-7777 Nicole Mathis to successfully request a transcript. *Homeschooled students registered with our district must request a transcript from whoever is responsible for their official transcript through their homeschool program.
- "Goals" Essay must be completed. The "Unusual Circumstances" Essay is optional.
- Interview. After review for completeness and assessment by our Scholarship Committee, the student will be notified of interview date and time.
Acceptance of the scholarship authorizes Yelm Dollars for Scholars to use all photographs of the student provided to or taken by Yelm Dollars for Scholars volunteers including those from events like the auction or school graduation to promote its mission.
All Students and Parents
The Scholarship America Student Dashboard is your "one-stop shop" for scholarship opportunities. Log in and create or update your profile, and you'll be able to search for scholarships with just a few clicks. You'll see opportunities from Scholarship America's partners across the nation as well as
What's more, logging into the Student Dashboard will also give you access to volunteer and internship opportunities, important news about college life, and exclusive resources to help you manage your money, succeed in college, and take advantage of everything Dollars for Scholars has to offer.
If you're a parent, this is a great resource, too. If you're here to enter financial or other information for scholarships, you've come to the right place!
Availability of funds determines the number of scholarships.